I think this kind of articles are useful for people who believe in things like horoscopes and astrology, dream meanings, bad luck and evil eye, etc. Although it is interesting to know what different colors mean, in my opinion the only thing that matters is the meaning you give to them. For example, my favourite color is green and for me it may have a different connotation than to other people. At the end of the day, colors are very powerful, they are present in absolutely everything (or not?) and they carry a different emotional meaning to every person. So, these articles are fun to read, especially if you are looking if your favourite color matches your personality or your zodiac sign, but it were people who had given them these definitions so it does not implies any credibility nor accuracy.
Regarding the second task of this Week's assingment, I have chosen the picture above for two main reasons:
· the matching with the blog's colors
· its incredible beauty
Personally, I am obsessed with aesthetic and I love when colors match well between them; I love seeing people dressing matching colors in their clothes, make-up, accessories, etc. It gives me real visual pleasure. Besides, blue is my second favourite color so this picture was perfectly fitted in my blog. The peachy orange of the sunset and its reflection in the lake is perfectly combined with the cold blue of the snow and the trees.
The other reason behind my choice is that winter has come and I adore winter. I grew up in Ukraine and I have always loved snow and cold weather, and when I saw this picture I was astonished by its beauty and it brought me memories of my country.
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