sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

Paula Sánchez Morlesín - Week 8

The baby stroller and scooter hybrid

A funny invention I have come across with is the baby stroller and scooter hybrid, which consists in a baby stroller that also includes a little skate. This is a cool invention that I did not know about until I did this post. Moreover, I think this can actually be useful and funny, since while carrying your baby home or at the park you can skate in order to have fun and do sport at the same time. This invention could be appropiate for people who spend much time at work and do not have enough time to do sport daily, so this could be a way of doing little exercise while enjoying a moment of hapiness along your child. Thus, I think that if you believe you comply those characteristics you should totally get one soon. And even if you do not comply them, it would be nice to have it and have fun while using it!
Furthermore, I am sure your child will enjoy those rides and will always want to go outside for another one. Also, it can be a good way to create bonds between you and your child as both of you will be having a good time during that ride. I also think that it can educative and inspiring for your child, since she/he will start experiencing the good things sport and going out have. Moreover, it is surely helpful to go around the whole city because if your child gets tired, the only thing she/he has to do is to get on the stroller and let his/her parent take him/her for a ride and have fun !

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